Sunday, May 15, 2011

Install Capistrano for work with PHP, MySQL and Apache

Use Capistrano with PHP+MySQL+Apache+SVN (LAMP).
Why? For optimization your work when you deploying project.
We will be import project from SVN-repository without '.svn'-files to staging server.
 Use only one command for deploy)

Tutorial: Move Trac and SVN configuration from old server to new server.

Today I tell you how configure Trac and SVN for developers.

  1. We have SVN repository and Trac on first (old) server
  2. We installed SVN on second (new) server 
  3. We have python on second (new) server 
  4. We need move SVN repository from first (old) to second server
  5. We need move Trac from first to second (new) server 
  6. We need configure SVN repository with Trac